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Service and Repair Work

Pacific Marine & Industrial can accomplish the following work
either at your location or at one of our facilities:
Reline of Cutless Propeller Shaft Bearings:
Relining of Cutlass Propeller Shaft Bearings
Container Stowage Design: Ship or Barge:
Design of Lashing System for Ship or Barge
PHE Heat Exchangers:
Re-Gasketing and Plate Repair
Oil Water Separators:
Repair or Commissioning
Propeller and Propeller Shaft Repair:
Specialized Repair Shop
The Latest Technology
Skilled Personnel
Propeller Shaft Seals:
Machining of Wear Faces
Replacement of Springs, Gaskets and O Rings
Repair or Commissioning
Bowl Balancing
Crew Training
Pneumatic Fenders:
Installation and Repair
Replacement of Chain and Tire Net
Winches and Hoists:
Reconditioning and Repair: Hydraulic, Electric, Pneumatic, Manual
Spare Parts
Contact Pacific Marine & Industrial For More Information

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