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Roller Fairleads - Fair Lead

Single Roller Fairleads

Single - 1 Roller Fairlead - Horizontal  Single Roller Fairlead - 1 Roller Fairlead  1 one roller hoizontal fairlead - single roller fairlead
Various Sizes Available:
Sized Based on Breaking Strength and Rope Size
Information Needed To Quote Roller Fairleads
Standard Features:
Heavy Duty Steel Rollers
Oil Impregnated Bronze Bushings (No Grease Required)
Alloy Steel Shafts with Bolt-In-Place Keeper Tabs
All Steel Frame Construction and Weld Down Base Plate
Designed For Daily Use In Harsh Environment
White Blasted and Coated With Blue Marine Duty Paint
Optional Features:
Stainless Steel Shafts and Hardware
Sealed Roller Bearings
Various Roller Materials for Special Applications
Bolt Down Style Base Plate
Additional Rollers and Configurations
Special Primers and Paints / Coatings

Home ] Up ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 3 Roller - CB 3062-79 Type A ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 4 Roller - CB 3062-79 Type BA ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 4 Roller - CB 3062-79 Type BB ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 5 Roller - CB 3062-79 Type C ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 7 Roller - CB 3062-79 Type D ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 9 Roller - CB 3062-79 Type E ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - ISO 13733 ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - JIS F 2026-80 Type A ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - JIS F 2026-80 Type B ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - German Standard - 4 Roller ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - German Standard - 5 Roller ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - German Standard - 6 Roller ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - German Standard - 7 Roller ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - St Lawrence Standard - CB/T 3139-2000 ] Ship Marine Roller Farilead - Stainless Steel Roller Fairleads ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - CB 3015-83 Type A ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - CB 3015-83 Type B ] [ Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 1 Roller Fairleads ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 3 Roller Fairlead ] Ship Marine Roller Fairlead - 4 Roller Fairleads ]

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