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Flush Container Foundation

AA-A2/279 Double Transversal Flush Container Foundation

Class Society Approved: ABS, DNV-GL, CCS and Others

AA-A2/279 Double Transversal Flush Container Foundation
AA-A2/279 Double Transversal Flush Container Foundation

Purchase ONLINE Small Quantities of Container Lashing


Part Numbers:

Center to Center


AA-A2/279 (Standard)

279mm Centers In Stock


XXX Center as Needed Custom Made


Weld to the deck or hatch cover.


Industry Standard is 279 mm Centers


Counter parts: Container Twist Locks


Type and Test Class Approved on Request


AA-A2/279 Double Transversal Flush Container Foundation


Return to Container Lashing Main Page


Purchase ONLINE Small Quantities of Container Lashing


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Container Lashing Design: Ship or Barge


Cargo Securing Manual Approval By Class Society


Container Ship Hatch Covers and Lashing Bridges


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