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Low Profile Manual Barge Winch

low profile manual barge winch
20 to 90 US Ton Holding Capacity
Low Profile Manual Barge Winch Drawing
How to Size a Winch or Hoist
Manually powered low profile barge winch built to keep the cable low on the bitts and the deck.
Standard Features:
Additional tightening power from ratchet lever bar.
Quick release holding dog automatically disengages when not in use.
Spinner knob on hand wheel for fast slack line take up.
Steel gear guard provides operator protection; prevents slack cable from fouling gears.
Foot brakes control and prevent overrunning and bird nesting of wire rope.
Options and Accessories:
Wider drums, angle deck brackets, disengaging clutch.
Rated Capacity (US tons) 1st Layer Drum Shipping
Dog Tightening Gear Diameter Weight Volume
Model Holding Hand Ratchet Ratio Inches Lbs. Cu. Ft.
20HL 20 3 5 7:1 8 5/8 600 18.0
25HL 40 5 10 14:1 10 3/4 650 22.0
50HL 65 7.5 15 20:1 12 3/4 1175 34.0
75HL 90 10 20 31:1 16 1880 37.0
Drum Options
Model Capacity (Tons) Standard Drum (Inches) Wider Drums (Inches)
20HL 20 10 17, 24, 36, 48
25HL 40 9 17, 35, 51, 69
50HL 65 11 20, 41, 61, 82
75HL 90 10 20, 40, 61, 81

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