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Barge Connection System

BC-40G Barge Connection Winch

Barge Connection Winch System
BC-40G Barge Connector Winch
40 Ton Barge Connector Winch
Connect multiple barges together - Use in Pairs
Other Similar Products:
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The Model BC-40G Barge Connector has been designed to use, not maintain.
The winch features high capacity grease free synthetic bearings and a simple counterweight
type ratchet without springs to minimize routine maintenance in the abusive waterways environment.
The operation of the winch, for both tightening and releasing the loads, has been engineered
for optimum user ergonomics and safety.  From ideal positioning and engagement of
the ratchet lever controlled cable release brake the BC-40 is designed for easy operation




Ultimate Capacity - 80,000 lbs.

Ratchet Tightening Capacity - 10,000 lbs.


Drum Capacity:

3/4” wire: 90 feet

7/8” wire: 85 feet

1” wire: 70 feet



• Low Profile Compact Design Saves Deck Space.

• Hand Lever Operated brake for Controlled Load Release.

• Hand Wheel with Spinner Knob for Fast Take-up.

• Ratchet Lever for Final Tensioning.

• Machine Cut Gearing with Protective Guarding.

• High Capacity Synthetic Bearings on Drive and Drum Shafts.

• Connector Pin and Yoke Allows 360 Degree Rotation.

• Unique Pivot Pin Mounting (No D-Ring Required).

• Front Mounted Rope Guard Aligns Cable with Drum.


Dimensions and Weight:

Overall Length 25-1/2”

Overall Width 17”

Overall Height 21-1/2”

Overall with Deck Pivot Pin 443 lbs.


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