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Utility Portable Capstan Winch

Up to 1,600 lbs. Capacity

Purchase ONLINE Utility Portable Capstan Winch
Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch
Electric AC Utility Portable Capstan Winch Electric DC Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch Vertical Head
Model 300AB Model 30-12 Model 35-12
115 VAC (or 230V) 12 Volt (or 24 Volt) 12 Volt (or 24Volt)
800 lbs. Single Line Pull 800 lbs. Single Line Pull 800 lbs. Single Line Pull
1,600 lbs. Double Line Pull 1,600 lbs. Double Line Pull 1,600 lbs. Double Line Pull
Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch
Pneumatic Utility Portable Capstan Winch Hydraulic Utility Portable Capstan Winch

Hyd Bayonet Utility Portable Capstan Winch

Model Air 1030 Model HY3D Model HY3/BAY
Pneumatic / Air Motor Hydraulic Powered Hydraulic Powered
800 lbs. Single Line Pull 800 lbs. Single Line Pull 800 lbs. Single Line Pull
1,600 lbs. Double Line Pull 1,600 lbs. Double Line Pull 1,600 lbs. Double Line Pull
Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch  
Pole Mounted Utility Portable Capstan Winch Utility Portable Capstan Winch Accessories  
Model 402 AB Foot Switch and Control, Pole Mount  
Lifting for overhead line crews Hitch Mount, Vertical, Swivel
800 lbs. Single Line Pull    
1,600 lbs. double line pull    

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