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Shipping Container Casters

Shipping Container Dolly Wheels

Operations Instruction

Shipping Container Casters - Shipping Container Dolly Wheels  Shipping Container Casters - Shipping Container Dolly Wheels  Shipping Container Casters - Shipping Container Dolly Wheels


1.  Confirm the weight of the container compared to the capacity of the casters.  Be sure casters are adequate. 

Casters are rated with Safe Working Load (SWL) per caster. 

Assuming 4 casters are used then Caster SWL x 4 = Maximum Container Weight (Both Container and Cargo Weight)


2.  Position each caster near the container corner it will be inserted in.


3. Lock the caster brake and the swivel mechanism in advance of insertion. 

Be sure the cone locking lever is to the right (unlocked) position.


4.  Lift the container to allow for room to install the casters.


5.  These casters are heavy!  Use a forklift to insert the locking cone into the ISO hole in the container.

These casters work with International Standards Organization (ISO) container corner holes.


6.  Lock the cone by moving the lever to the left.   It must be moved all the way to left side.


7.  Repeat for all 4 casters on the container.


8.  Set the container with casters attached down to the ground.


10: Warnings:
- Casters are heavy and can injure personnel if dropped or lifted incorrectly.
- Containers on wheel must be secured from rolling freely at all times.


Purchase ONLINE: Heavy Duty Shipping Container Caster Wheels


Information Needed For Custom Heavy Duty Caster Wheel Quotes


Operation Instructions for ISO Container Casters and Wheels


ISO Container Handling Product Catalog


Video: Shipping Container Caster Dolly Wheel Use


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