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Hydraulic Planetary Winches and Hoists


Hydraulic Winch and Hydraulic Hoist
The BG Series planetary winch is a high performance product designed to provide many years of service.
Information Needed to Quote Hydraulic Hoist and Hydraulic Winches 
How to Size a Winch or Hoist
Standard features of the BG3 include:
Multi-disc Brake - Spring applied and hydraulically released
Anti-friction bearings for maximum efficiency
Single-stage planetary reduction
Optional Features of the BG Series Planetary Hoist
Hydraulic Motors (Displacements, 2-Speed)
Below models represent only a small number of gearbox and motor configurations.
Contact PM&I for complete product information:
Model BG3B-05080-01
Layer Line Pull Line Speed Rope Capacity
  (lbs) (kg) (fpm) (mpm) (ft) (m)
3000 1364 140 43 28 9
2700 1227 155 47 59 18
2460 1118 170 52 93 28
2260 1027 186 57 130 40
  *Layer does not meet ANSI B30.7
Model BG3B-05119-01H
Layer Line Pull Line Speed Rope Capacity
  (lbs) (kg) (fpm) (mpm) (ft) (m)
3800 1727 94 29 28 9
3430 1559 104 32 59 18
3120 1418 114 35 93 28
2860 1300 125 38 130 40
  *Layer does not meet ANSI B30.7

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