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Container Stacking Cone

BC-G2/B Flanged Hanging Stacking Cone

Class Society Approved: ABS, DNV-GL, CCS and Others

Container Stacking Cone

Purchase ONLINE Small Quantities of the BC-G2 ISO Shipping Container Single Stacker


Flanged Hanging Single Stacker

Used Below the Hatch Cover Between Vertical Containers
Hangs from Container Above During Loading


3 kg Weight Each


Type and Test Class Approved on Request


Counter Parts: Container Corner Castings


Container Stacking Cone

Download Complete Container and Cargo Securing Catalog with Drawings


Container Lashing Design: Ship or Barge


Cargo Securing Manual Approval By Class Society


Container Ship Hatch Covers and Lashing Bridges


How Do Container Ships Work?


Similar Design and Function Cross Reference:


MacGregor  SDL-4


German Lashings S1.43


Lucky Sea E1-12

SC Lashings

All Set C16A

TEC CI-50-1


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