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Above Ground Oil Water Separator

Portable Oil Water Separators

Above Ground Oil Water Separator Portable Oil Water Separator
Basic Unit / Stainless Construction Basic unit with optional stand, casters.
  and supply pump.
Drawing of Oil Water Separator Process Movie of Oil Water Separator Operation
The ER-SS is constructed of stainless steel material with special baffles and weirs to direct flow, skim oil and control liquid levels in the separator.  The coalescing media is oleophilic.  The oil coalesces and rises to the surface where the oil is removed via the adjustable skimmer.
The ER-SS Coalescing Oil / Water Separator will remove all non-emulsified oil from waste water that has a minimum of suspended solids.  It will produce an effluent with less than 10 mg/ltr. (10ppm) of oil droplets measuring larger than 20 microns in size.  The separated oil will be discharged through a nozzle and the water will be discharged through the effluent chamber.
Media Features: Features:
Oleophilic Coalescer Media Five Sizes: 0.5 to 50 GPM
Washable Gravity Flow
Reusable Pump Flow
PVC Construction or Stainless Construction Lift Over Cover
Leak Proof
  Adjustable Oil Skimmer
High Temperature Range
Separator Models:
  Flow Width Length Height Inlet Dia. Oil Out Dia. Outlet Dia.
Model Gal/Min Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches
8000-05-SS 1/2 10 15 15 1 1 1/2 1
8000-2-SS 2 12  46 22 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
8000-4-SS 4 24 46 22 1 1/2 1 1/2 2
8000-8-SS 8 12 58 34 2 2 2
8000-16-SS 16 24 58 34 3 3 2
8000-24-SS 24 36 58 34 3 3 3
8000-30-SS 30 36 67 34 3 3 3
8000-50-SS 50 60 68 34 3 3 3
Larger units available. Contact PM&I.
This catalog page includes:
oil water separator, oily water separator, oil water separator system, oil water separater, portable oil water separator, above ground oil water separator, car wash oil water separator, mobile oil water separator,

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