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Spinner 2 Oil Filter

Spinner ii Oil Centrifuge

Model 3400

Spinner 2 Oil Filter - Spinner ii Oil Centrifuge
Up to 8 GPM or 30.3 Liters Per Minute
Re-Useable Rotor
Paper Insert to Assist in Cleaning
With or Without LCB*
Up to 4,000cc of Contaminants
*The LCB is the Level Control Base
The LCB allows for parallel or slightly uphill oil return to the sump. 
It also allows for a much smaller return line.
The LCB requires a compressed air sources for operation.
Product should be sized to circulate oil sump 4 to 5 times per hour.
Model 3400 Spinner 2 Oil Filter Manual and Parts List

Purchase ONLINE Spinner 2 Oil Filter and Parts


Spinner 2 Oil Filter Model Application Guide


How the Spinner 2 Oil Filter Works


Spinner 2 Oil Filter Installation Photos - Various Applications


Application Case Studies - Spinner 2 Oil Filter

Centrifugal Oil Purification System - Removes Particles Down to .1 Micron
Extends Oil Change Interval - Extends Engine Life
Operates on engine oil pressure
For: Engine lubricants, gear oils, machining fluids, hydraulic oils, quench oils
Engine mounted or side mounted
Operates on oil pressure only
Remove particles down to 1/10 of a micron
Remove carbon and soot
Use in addition to your full flow filter system
Stand alone pump assisted units available
Protects Machinery:
Reduces wear up to 50%
Increases engine / component life
Helps reduce frequency of maintenance and repair
Extends Operating Intervals
Keeps fluids and additives effective longer
Prolongs full flow filter life
Centrifuge requires minimal service
Eliminates Waste
Permanent, cleanable and reusable
No media or filter element to replace
Protects the environment by reducing disposable waste
Spinner 2 Oil Filter - Spinner ii Oil Centrifuge
Sample of Dirty Spinner Bowl
Remove particles down to .1 micron

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