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Oil In Water Monitor

OMD-15 and OMD-15A

OMD-15A Oil In Water Monitor

OMD-15A with Auto-Clean System


The OMD-Series includes a Monitor, the OMD-15, for the control of Oil-in-Boiler Feedwater or Boiler Condensate. This Monitor is type approved by Germanischer Lloyd in accordance with the IMO-Resolution MEPC.60(33) and with the "Technische Regeln für Dampfkessel TRD 604", sheet 1. Utilizing the latest "state of the art" in micro-processor design and measuring technique, the benefits of the OMD-15 are:


Specification OMD-15 Series



0 - 9,9 ppm


Better than +/- 1 ppm insoluble Oil (with special calibration)

Degree of Protection:

IP 65

Size OMD-15:

175 x 190 x 220 mm (W x H x D)

Size OMD-15A:

210 x 330 x 220 mm (W x H x D)

Sample Temperature:

+1° to +90° C

Alarm Contact Rating:

Potential-free 1 pole change-over contacts, 3 A / 24 V

Alarm Operating Points:

2 ppm (Factory Set) adjustable from 0,2 - 9,9 ppm

Alarm 1 & 2 Operating Delay:

2 - 20 sec. adjustable

Power Supply:

24 Volt AC/DC, other voltages on request

Output Signal:

0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA, reversible Ri < 500 W


Models: OMD-15 - without Auto-Clean System and OMD-15A - with Auto-Clean System


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